Interview: Embodiment of Suffering

Interviewed: Vile Kyle

A new brutal death metal band recently emerged from Texas, USA as Embodiment of Suffering released their debut in December 2019. After I reviewed the album less than a week ago I was lucky enough to catch the founder of the band for a quick chat on the how the band got created and how they operate, among other things.

Hi Vile Kyle! First off thanks for doing this interview. Lets start with asking how everything is done in Embodiment of Suffering. According to metal archives you work as a one-man band but I’ve also read that Embodiment of Suffering is a duo with Rene Martinez. Do you play every instrument yourself, is some digital, do you use session musicians or is Embodiment of Suffering actually a duo featuring Vile Kyle and Rene Martinez?

When I started EoS it was originally a one-man band home studio project. I would write all the music and program the drums. I eventually debuted EoS at a house party with a good friend and drummer named Sterling Junkin (Narcotic Wasteland, Infuriate, Id). After that Rene Martinez and Meryl Fry joined and it became a solid live line-up. During this time we recorded the EP and played many many shows for well over a year straight. To make a long story short, I was an asshole to them and they left the band last year. I was partying pretty hard at the time and I regret how things happened, sometimes we fuck over the people closest to us, like family. Hopefully thing can be made right someday, its def been a learning experience and I’m gonna handle shit more professionally in the future. We’ve never really been a duo, but Rene was featured on some of the promo stuff since he did the drums on the EP. As of right now I’m writing and playing a couple shows solo style. 

You recently released your debut album Revoking Salvation, how has the reception been for it so far? 

Its been pretty good, I think lots of people in the States are just now getting copies, and distros will start to circulate it more. The Corpse Is My Domain single seemed well received online and Ungodly Ruins is def on top of their game. I know its not your typical BDM release, so I just hope people don’t think it sucks hahaha. I’m proud of this being our very first release though, and I’m def gonna push things in a more brutal direction.  

You signed with the Russian label Ungodly Ruins Productions for this album, how did you two find each other?

I met them through Unopsis Records, who was originally going to release the EP. I’m not exactly sure what happened but Unopsis was unable to release
the album at the time so they passed it on to Vad and Ungodly Ruins. They’ve been amazing to work with and knocked it out of the park. All the merch looks awesome and the cd’s look killer. 

Even with only six songs (one being an intro) Revoking Salvation touch a lot of different subject, such as religion, society issues and even a beer run. How did the progress go to write the album?

That’s a good question. I’ve always liked to touch on social issues like greed and poverty because those things anger me and it drives the music and passion. When I’m playing live or recording a song its my chance to get on the mic and say what I need to say. When I wrote the song Revoking Salvation it practically wrote itself, the lyrics just came pouring out and it matched all the riffs I had recorded. I actually started writing most of these songs right after my girlfriend was hospitalized and nearly died. We had no insurance and could have lost our house. It was a very stressful time but everything ended up ok, and it helped fuel the start of this band. Beer Run is actually a real story, some buddies of mine saw this guy get shot to death trying to steal a 12 pack of shitty Budweiser. As far as writing the album I had written most of it on my own as demos before there was a full line-up. Rene and I wrote Fuck Religious Freedom together and made small changes before we recorded the EP.   

Embodiment of Suffering is already playing live and you had Meryl Fry on bass and Rene Martinez on drums to complete the lineup for some time. Was it an easy step for you to find the musicians you wanted to play live and who do you play with now?

Yea, I’ve been very lucky to be surrounded by extremely talented musicians and TXDM has some of the best. As far as a new lineup I’m about to begin working with a very sick drummer named Dennis Sanders (Unnecessary Surgery, Exulcerate, HOD) along with some other good friends out of San Antonio. At some point in the next couple months there should be some announcements and updates on the band page.   

What would you say is the biggest influence for Embodiment of Suffering when writing music?

Suffering. It sounds cliche, but I usually feel most inspired to write when I’m pissed off, stressed out, or hear about fucked up real-world events. Not always though, it can depend. That’s what I love about playing death metal and metal in general. Its a reflection of the evil in society, but also an escape at the same time. 

Texas seems to be filled with brutal death metal (and slam). Why do you think that is? Is it the heat?

Haha, it might be the heat. I think its a few factors. For one, its a huge state so there’s just tons of musicians spread out all over the place. I think another big factor is the musical influences in the south, things were always dark and heavy down here. Shit, Billy Gibbons still has a crushing guitar tone haha. There’s also the big Hispanic population down here, and they keep metal alive. Texas is just a melting pot of creativity and brutality! I don’t think it matters where you are though, brutal death metal is just part of the natural evolution of extreme metal music. 

What’s next for Embodiment of Suffering? Are you already writing music for album number two?

Yes! I’m spending this next entire year working on the full length album as of now titled- The Immaculate Conception Of Sickness. I’m already recording demo versions of new songs including the title track along with a new intro. A few other titles will be- Inoculation of Unholy Blasphemy, Rotting Body In The River, Blinded By Your Dogma, and The Pedophile Priest. I want this album to be 10x sicker, tighter, and lean more towards the BDM style. 

Alright I will end it with a quick one! What’s the greatest album of all time in your eyes?

I think everybody knows that’s a tie between – W.A.S.P. – The Last Command, Insidious Decrepancy – Extirpating Omniscient Certitude and S.P.M. – The Last Chair Violinist.

That was all, thanks! You got any shoutouts before we end this?

Yea, shout out to my girl Dee, all the homies and TXDM homies, Colonel Sanders, Joe Sandoval and Eviscerated, Nene & Meryl, Steveo, Bad Bois Santiago, my guitar hero Shawn Whitaker, Missy, Con, Brad, & Shaun of Defiled Crypt, them bois in Reviled, Demonseed, Necrosis, Putrid Womb, Flesh Hoarder, Cheesegrater Masturbation, Baptized by Fire, Uncleansed, Juan Pablo & Extremely Rotten, Suppuration, Limbsplitter, Grotesque Formation, Architectural Genocide, WOB, Zig & IOV, VBT, SIP, SPM, Black Jackal, Id, Infuriate, Teratism, Toluca, Alexis & Daggra, Ayasoltec, Gore & Orchiectomy, anyone else I’ve ever jammed with, and anyone I forgot. Shout out to Vad & Ungodly Ruins, Razor Hoof, Ritual Printing, Lady Death comics, my drug dealer, Al Pastor on Riverside, and shout out to Alaska Thunderfvck and Trixie Mattel. Thank’s for the interview and support bro! TXDM 666!

Embodiment of Suffering – Revoking Salvation (Brutal Death Metal)

Hey note to bands, when I see an album with song titles such as “Exterminate The Baby Boomers”, “Beer Run Gone Wrong” and “Fuck Religious Freedom” then you got my attention! This short, just under 20 minutes, debut EP from American act Embodiment of Suffering proved to be just as fun as the song titles gave away. It’s brutal death metal of great caliber that might not do enough to stand out in the crowd of other solid acts but Revoking Salvation definitely brings the breakdowns and heaviness to get you going. Fact is the band has only been going for just over a year (started in 2018) so the future is with Embodiment of Suffering.

The intro which eventually leads into “Exterminate The Baby Boomers” is a good start, I can hear some grindcore influences here but it’s with the follow-up track, and title-track, “Revoking Salvation” when Embodiment of Suffering really showcasing what they can do. “Beer Run Gone Wrong” gives me a bit of Dying Fetus vibe but it still doesn’t quite hit the mark like “Revoking Salvation” did, still beeing a great track though and we already got three songs who all shows a varied style of brutal death metal. “Your Corpse is My Domain” is more straight forward brutal death metal but with a hint of slam and classic death metal solo into it. Together with the title-track this quickly became my two favorite songs. “Fuck Religious Freedom” ends the really album well with especially the drum and guitar solo starting mid-way through the song grabbing my attention.

The vocals can be a bit of hit and miss. Vile Kyle uses a lot of different tools and while that’s great and all I sometimes wonder if it would be an even stronger album if he stuck more to the gutturals and brees as that’s where I think he shines. Overall this is a very good debut album with a lot of styles incorporated. There are mighty solos, nasty vocals and wicked breakdowns which will satisfy any brutal death metal fan out there. I see this as a bit of a Dying Fetus and Devourment lovechild type of band. Great start by Embodiment of Suffering which isn’t without a case of maybe trying to much in some cases but there is something to build on here to pave a bloody way to the top I’m sure.

Artist: Embodiment of Suffering
Label: Ungodly Ruins Productions
For fans of: Dying Fetus & Devourment
Release date: December 27th, 2019
Favorite song: Revoking Salvation
Score: 3.5/5 Very good

Mutilatred – Ingested Filth (Brutal Death Metal)

The American death metal act Mutilatred had a rather solid debut in 2015 with Dissecting Your Future. It was one of those album that if you’re a fan of brutal death metal you’d have a great time but it would probably quickly disappear from your memory as it didn’t really stand out. Four years later the band is at it again, this time with an EP instead of a full-length and hopefully a more memorable experience.

There is of course more pummeling death metal to get here! The drum sound is a bit of a hit or miss to me (as it was on the first album too), took a while for me to get used to it but even so I’m not a big fan of how it sounds. The “organic” snare sound (first word that comes to mind on explaining it, excuse my English) is used quite a bit on other death metal albums but it’s one of those things I’m picky on and more often than not can’t seem to enjoy (listened to Malignant Altar’s Retribution of Jealous Gods the other day where I like it for example).

There are quite a few things Mutilatred has made some big steps in the right direction on here too though, and I’m not one to just focus on the section I’m not getting into. The vocal performance is spot on, not that it was bad on the debut but it’s just more varied, got better growling and is simply nastier. The songs are still clocking around the two minute mark, but this time around though they have upped the tempo and for the better. A heavier album than their debut and it fits the band like a glove. No bullshit, just pedal to the metal raw hardcore brutal death metal the way it’s meant to be played. The production has become a lot better too to bring a nice bow on top of this neat package. These small things together makes Ingested Filth a more complete album than their debut, especially the more direct brutal death metal approach I hope they stick by for coming releases. An album like this needs that ferocity all the way through.

I still can’t drop the fact it isn’t an album I will return to in a few months as the bait used on the hook isn’t quite what I need. Ingested Filth won’t bring any new fans over to the brutal death metal scene but the old-school ones. It’s undeniable that Mutilatred have released another solid album though, better than their previous effort and definitely brings good music to fans of the genre.

Written by J.B.

Artist: Mutilatred
Label: Redefining Darkness Records
For fans of: Suffocation and Skinless
Release date: August 30th, 2019
Favorite song: Sifting Through Needles
Score: 3/5 Good

Infuriate – Infuriate (Brutal Death Metal)


Alright first of all I need to start with saying sorry for my absence, I was meant to review this album and one more last week but I simply didn’t have much spare time so I am a bit behind on things here now. I will do my best to catch up and give you the content you metal gamers deserve! I do have a real treat for you guys though. Infuriate consist of veterans within the Texas grindcore and brutal death metal scene who joined forces to create some old school brutal death metal in the veins of Deeds of Flesh, Disavowed and Severe Torture. One of the bands the members have, or are, a part of is Whore of Bethlehem. I actually got the 2017 release Extinguish the Light in a The Metalhead Box last year and it was a good album so that in itself made me a bit interested what this debut had in store for me.

While I know this was advertised as Deeds of Flesh, Disavowed and Severe Torture kind of music I would personally say Monstrosity mixed in with Deeds of Flesh is closer to the truth. It’s a bludgeoning riff-fest that leaves no head without the banging. It’s hard to not get caught in the flurry of riffs, relentless drumming or Jason Garza’s great vocal performance. The best part about the album though is that Infuriate does a great work changing the pace and what flow they want on the different tracks, making the almost 30 minutes a joy and easy to get back to. Be it the bas that is prominent in some tracks with a sweet groove solo or the hard hitting drums Infuriate got a knack for creating music that leaves the listener wanting more. In all honesty I hoped there was more too, 30 minutes is fine for this type of music as it does leave your brain in a mush but hell this is awesome stuff so this once I could want another song or two. One thing that sometimes can be a bit disappointing in this genre when listening to an album fully and not just a track here and there is it can feel monotone, Infuriate does not fall into that trap and that’s exactly what makes them stand out for me. They have that red thin line to follow throughout but also goes outside it from time to time to add a breakdown here, some slam there and extra heavy bas to top it off. Be it classic American crushing death metal “Mori Terrae”, the slamming “Surrogate” or groovy “Engastration” Infuriate does a superb job and has released one of the most memorable brutal death metal albums of the year.

Label: Everlasting Spew Records
For fans of: Monstrosity and Deeds of Flesh
Release date: August 31st, 2018
Favorite song: Mori Terrae
Score: 4/5

Engulf – Gold and Rust (Death Metal)


Hal Microutsicos (Blasphemous and Chapel of Ruin) got an interesting solo project going on with Engulf. Instead of a releasing a full-length he decided to put an EP series of three out, basically different chapters in a story. Kind of a cool idea in my opinion but it did leave the first EP Subsumed Atrocities really short on only two tracks and almost 9 minutes long. It was a good, yet short experience though with some old school American death metal vibes in a sci-fi setting. Gold and Rust offers a little more juice to the listeners with three songs clocking in on 11 minutes. The opener “Maul” continues right where “Graviton” left off (which also makes me wonder why he didn’t make this a full-length) on Subsumed Atrocities and Engulf goes at it a bit harder on this track than what I heard on the last EP. Which is rather fitting due to the lyrics being all about rage of an entity that seeks revenge.

If I thought “Maul” was going hard then I wasn’t ready for what waited on “Misshapen Abomination” and the closing track “Sovereign to the Seven Underworlds”. Here Hal went closer to the heavier side of American death metal giants like Suffocation, Nile and Hate Eternal. You could tell this was an album filled with more hate than the previous as it just hit you harder, straight in the face. While I thought Subsumed Atrocities was ok I think this is a few steps better. It gets better with each track too as “Sovereign to the Seven Underworlds” closes the EP on a high note. Heavier, more technical and just overall a better EP in my opinion. Now I am looking forward to the last chapter of this series as “the event” will unfold. I do wish however that an full-length with this series of EPs will be put into one in the future as that would make it a more enjoyable listen to me.

Label: Everlasting Spew Records
For fans of: Hate Eternal and Immolation
Release date: July 13th, 2018
Favorite song: Sovereign to the Seven Underworlds
Score: 3.5/5

Morbid Angel – Kingdoms Disdained (Death Metal)


A band that’s had it’s ups and downs during their career is definitely Morbid Angel. While being a band that created death metal with Altars of Madness being a masterpiece every metalhead needs it’s obviously hard to review a band that’s had such a big influence. It’s been six years since the horror that was Illud Divinum Insanus and with Kingdoms Disdained I dare say Morbid Angel are back on the right track. It’s not an album that will go to history but it’s a good album that puts Morbid Angel back to where they belong, as a death metal giant. I might have had too low expectations of this album and am just too darn happy they’ve found their way again but hey let a guy be happy they are back! Actually all this album needed to do in my book was not being Illud Divinum Insanus, which says a lot.

In all honesty the only negative parts on Kingdoms Disdained is that the first half is a bit weaker than the second half of the album. However The Pillars Crumbling and onwards almost brings tears to my eyes as it’s been years since I heard Morbid Angel this good. Apart from Declaring New Law (Secret Hall), that song just feels out of place and I would honestly have a better experience as a whole if skipping it. It’s not just the riffs, the vocals or the fact that Morbid Angel pulls off a tight performance. It’s the fact that the song-writing is spot on and is touching issues happening in the world right now. For No Master, From the Hand of Kings and The Fall of Idols will be tracks I spin regulary from now on that’s for sure.

Along with Immolation’s Atonement and Mordbrand’s Wilt (super underrated band in my opinion) Kingdoms Disdained is a must have release this year for death metal fans.

Label: Silver Lining Music
For fans of: Immolation and Deicide
Favorite song: The Fall of Idols
Score: 4/5

Trivium – The Sin and the Sentence (Metalcore/Trash/Heavy Metal)


One of my favorite bands of all time is Trivium. Ascendancy was one of the first metal albums I got at the age of 16 which made me like the music even more (along with Linkin Park, Disturbed and other early 00 releases). With that said Trivium got a soft spot in my black heart. A thing that makes me really like the band, but dislike some of their albums, is the fact that they are not afraid to change their sound. One album can be very metalcore, next trash and next one almost a bit of popish heavy metal. Going from growling to clean singing, changing their sound but still putting out good albums isn’t easy but Trivium manages to do that (most of the time). With that said my three favorite albums with them are Ascendancy, Shogun and Silence in the Snow, until now.

Whereas Ascendancy will always be very close to me and I will probably always regard it as their best album due to that reason I am completely sold on The Sin and the Sentence. There is something for every era of Trivium, for every fan, new and old. The opener and titletrack of the album The Sin and the Sentence is almost a perfect example on how a Trivium song should sound like to cover their different sounds in one go. Here you got the clean singing, the catchy riffs, the change of tempo that takes you in with the old trashy and heavy sound Trivium first got known for into the mix (last minute of the song). I’ve listened to that song endless of times and it gets better with each listen. Beyond Oblivion and Other Worlds might not go to history as some of my favorites but they are solid songs. The Heart From the Hate is so damn catchy it hurts. Then comes Betrayer which is freaking sweet, it captures the rawer sound Trivium once had and together with The Sin and the Sentence and The Heart From Your Hate quickly becomes some of the best songs on the album. Bear in mind those are the three singles Trivium released previously so I’d already had quite a few listens to them and goten to know every single riff, the lyrics etc inside out which probably clouds my judgement.

From the songs I hadn’t heard prior the album release The Wretchedness Inside is a really good song with memorable riffs and feels a bit hardcore sounding. In all honesty there isn’t a single song I find bad but some are definitely more memorable than others. Beauty in the Sorrow is a prime example of that, if you want me to name the songs on this album in a year that one would easily waste away compared to lets say The Sin and the Sentence. Also has to be said I originally thought Thrown Into the Fire was a really average but with time has grown on me. Which has actually been the way The Sin and the Sentence has worked for me. The more I listen to it the more I enjoy it. This is one of the best albums Trivium has released with a lot songs that will be remembered as some of their best when we look back at their discography in the future.

Label: Roadrunner Records
For fans of: Killswitch Engage and All That Remains
Favorite song: The Sin and the Sentence
Score: 4/5

Broken Hope – Mutilated and Assimilated (Brutal Death Metal)


Being a very new listener to Broken Hope as I actually discovered them on Twitter a couple of months ago when I followed Suffocation and got them as a recommendation I am sorry to say I will have to review this album as it is a debut basically. Some history about the band to begin with, as I obviously had to check these bad boys out to know what I am dealing with. Created in 1988 (very good year mind you) the band has had quite the history with a band member being kicked out due to basically hustling, disbanding in 2001, reuniting in 2012 and being droped from a Deicide tour in 2013. All that shit aside the band is still going strong and Jeremy Wagner on guitar is the only original member still in the band. Has this made Broken Hope lost….their hope?

As I said earlier I haven’t listened to this band at all before and I am going into this album with a very fresh mind and don’t know what to expect, unlike I did with Origins for example. Holy crap though! If John Carpenter’s The Thing was a music album this could be it! I’m a big fan of Damian “Tom” Leski’s (Gorgasm) vocals and it really sets the tone together with the rest of the band and lyrical theme of Mutilated and Assimilated. This is a brutal death metal album filled with gore and horror. All the pieces are set in the band to make it an experience you deserve in that theme. The album proves to be a good one for me, it lacks that extra punch as I am having a hard time finding a song that sticks out from the rest. It’s solid brutal death metal through and through though but could use that tank of a song that breaks it out of the cage. With Broken Hope re-assembled (or mutilated and assimilated?), having new members and new hope (sorry) I am sure this is just the beginning for the band as they go for that tier one brutal death metal spot.

Mutilated and Assimilated is out now through Century Media Records.

Label: Century Media Records
For fans of: Suffocation and Cannibal Corpse
Favorite song: The Carrion Eaters
Score: 3/5

Origin – Unparalleled Universe (Technical Brutal Death Metal)


From the crazy White Ward jazz-post-black metal experience I go to something I feel right at home with. It’s time to review one of the technical brutal death metal greats, Origin. A band which has given us mortals some of the best brutal techdeath that’s ever existed since their formation in 1997. Since then the band has released one EP and Unparalleled Universe will be the seventh full-length release, something very few techdeath bands have even done actually. With heavy hitting albums like Antithesis and Omnipresent fresh in mind how does Unparalleled Universe stand next to them?

Have to be said Origin still got it, even seven albums and 20 years into their career. However I lack that Wrath of Vishnu, The Aftermath and All Things Dead feel to it. It’s a good album but next to a discography like Origins they almost slay themself. I always hate reviewing albums like this in all honesty. When a band has a really good discography should they get punished for releasing something not on the very very top? I mean if this was a debut or even a sophomore album I would say something along the lines of “omg this is one of the best bands that will tear the future apart!!!”. I don’t know, this is a freaking great album but knowing what Origin has done in the past I know I can expect more. A great album doesn’t cut it this year within brutal death metal, not with Dying Fetus, Broken Hope, Decrepit Birth and Suffocation getting releases out. Mithridatic, Dajjal, Burden of Prescience and Origins longest track as of yet Unequivocal are the highlights of this album and especially Unequivocal makes me go all headbang mode and presents Origin in top form. It’s a good album and any Origin fan should get it. As I said they still got the touch. However I know there is more brutality to be unleashed from them, some songs are just too soft for my liking to make this a real heavy hitter as an Origin album should be.

Unparalleled Universe is out now through Agonia Records in EU and Nuclear Blast in the US. With this review I am also bringing back the score scale, this time instead of a 1-10 scale it will be a 1-5 one. 5 being the highest grade and 1 the lowest.

Label: Agonia Records (EU) and Nuclear Blast (US)
For fans of: Nile and Decrepit Birth
Favorite song: Unequivocal
Score: 3.5/5

Father Befouled – Desolate Gods (Death Metal)


Since the bands formation in 2007 Father Befouled have been very active releasing two EPs, four splits and Desolate Gods will make it their fourth full-length album. This is very slow tempo, heavy death metal the way Incantation and Dead Congregation also does it. Almost on the verge of sounding doom or sludge metal at times just as they up the tempo and unleash the chaos. The atmosphere on the album is very filthy and vile, especially due to the lyrical content filled with death and blasphemy.

The album starts off with Offering Revulsion and Mortal Awakening being the raw destructive force I had in mind when I got this album. The tempo-changes hit the right spots and Father Befouled shows they have really taken a few steps in the right direction since their 2012 release Revulsion of Seraphic Grace (haven’t listen to their first two full-length albums though so have that in mind). It’s the small bits and pieces here and there which makes Desolate Gods better. The core sound is very much the same but the production and overall quality of the songs are better. There are a couple of songs I am not too sold on like Exalted Offal but Ungodly Rest instantly makes up for it as the last four tracks are also the best ones on the album.

Desolate Gods is a rather good release and Father Befouled have taken steps in the right direction to perfect their sound. I still think Father Befouled got some way to go before they can take on the beast that is Incantation for real but they are showing nice progress. Fans of the bands earlier releases or Incantation will dig this vile spawn. Desolate Gods is out now through Dark Descent Records.

Label: Dark Descent Records
For fans of: Incantation and Dead Congregation
Favorite song: Ungodly Rest