Nihility – Thus Spoke the Antichrist (Blackened Death Metal)

Formed in 2012 Portuguese blackened death metal band Nihility is still a rather young one. Their debut has been years in the making and now it’s ready to unleash hell upon the world, I give you Thus Spoke the Antichrist.

At the very start Nihility presents “Indulge Self Restraint” that has some meaty riff on the melodic side with the powerful vocals from Mário Ferreira. Eventually they go even more aggressive on “Organic Fallacies” which is a lot more straight to the point and hits hard, giving me a much more American death metal vibe a la Immolation to it. Favorite tracks on the album soon begins to shape in the form of the title track “Thus Spoke the Antichrist” and “Prophecy of Denial”, which is pure Behemoth worship. With the last one actually being one of my most played tracks these last few weeks. A real banger as the kids say!

As a debut album I hold Thus Spoke the Antichrist as one of the best I’ve heard this year. There are a few bumps on the road but you can tell this is a band with great talent that aren’t afraid on trying putting out a rather varied album, yet keeping the heavy hitting assault intact throught, straight from the start. All of the songs are in fact solid, with a few real high points that makes this album have a very strong 3.5 score, almost landing on that 4. All in all everyone that enjoys themselves a good blackened death metal experience that has parts of Immolation, Behemoth, Hate and even slight nods to Belphegor at times should grab a copy.

With this review I go back to sharing bands social media, I don’t even know why I stopped doing that since I find it being a really good thing to promote the bands that extra bit so I’m doing it again.

Written by J.B.

Label: Black Lion Records (
For fans of: Behemoth and Immolation
Release date: May 24th, 2019
Favorite song: Prophecy of Denial
Score: 3.5/5 Very good

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